Campsite Reservation

* 營位恕不退訂及更改天數,購買前請務必詳加考量避免事後爭議。
* Campsite reservations are non-refundable and non-changeable in terms of duration, please be aware before purchasing to avoid subsequent disputes.

* 單憑營位預訂是無法直接入場,須憑票入場。
* The reservation does not equal the festival ticket. Please also book your festival ticket to enter the festival.

* 購買門票請至KKTIX Purchasing tickets:

* 訂購營位請填寫正確 E-mail,完成付款後會收到確認通知,將於活動前寄送營位報到QR Code。
*Please provide the correct email address. After completing the payment, you will receive a confirmation E-mail and the check-in QR Code will be sent before the festival.

* 報到後由現場工作人員統一安排分配營位,請勿任意搭帳或強制選位,如有同行者請同時進行報到方便安排鄰近營位,恕不接受保留、指定營位及臨時調整位置。
After check-in our staff will direct you to your allocated campsite. Please do not set up your tents anywhere else. If you would like to camp next to your friends, please have everyone gather and check in at the counter together so our staff will be able to allocate you to neighboring camp spots. We do not accept reservations, specifications, or last-minute changes for campsites.

【人魚空間 Glamping 4人】/ NT$14,000
入住 04/26、04/27 兩晚


5-minute walk from tent to venue.
Including 4 pillows, 4 mattresses, 4 comforters, and 4 towels.
Toothpaste and toothbrushes are not provided. Please bring your own.

【兩晚】Glamping 4人 / NT$18,000
入住 04/26、04/27 兩晚

Including pillow*4, mattress*4, comforter*4, toothpaste*4, toothbrush*4, towel*4, chair*2, carpet, electric fan*1.

【三晚】Glamping 4人 / NT$27,000
入住 04/26、04/27、04/28 三晚

Including pillow*4, mattress*4, comforter*4, toothpaste*4, toothbrush*4, towel*4, chair*2, carpet, electric fan*1.

【兩晚】自搭帳 Campsite / NT$2,000
入住 04/26、04/27 兩晚

僅提供 3 x 3 m 草地營位,請自備露營一切所需。
Campsite ONLY, 3 x 3 m on grass area. Please bring your own tent and everything needed.

【三晚】自搭帳營位 Campsite / NT$3,000
入住 04/26、04/27、04/28 三晚

僅提供 3 x 3 m 草地營位,請自備露營一切所需。
Campsite ONLY, 3 x 3 m on grass area. Please bring your own tent and everything needed.